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Innovation. Quality. Integrity.

Custom Home Builders in Durango, CO

Ready to Build Your Ideal Home With Modern Touches

Agave Durango specializes in custom homes that are designed for efficiency, built to the highest standards, and created uniquely for each customer. We work very closely with each client, to ensure that their homes reflect their dreams and at the same time, are designed to maximize spacing and minimize costs. We care as deeply about our community, Durango, and so each home we build is mindful of the surrounding natural landscape, the character of the community, and the desire for privacy. It’s how we built our reputation; it’s what we believe in. No matter your needs and if you are considering new construction or renovation, we have you covered. Let’s work together to create your new home.

modern house exterior

Innovation & Professionalism

Mark Williamson and James Philippon joined forces in 2012 to form what is now Agave Durango, a thoughtful home building company. We continue to build this company by combining structural aesthetics with forward-looking design and a shared dedication to professionalism. Clients appreciate our designs and ideas as innovative Southwest builders with a deep appreciation for thoughtful layouts and construction and the surrounding land’s inherent beauty. We take your style and integrate it into original home designs to create genuine reflections of your vision and building goals. Mark and James work together to deliver outstanding residential options emphasizing aesthetics and craftsmanship.

modern kitchen with large island

Quality Home Building & Remodeling

Agave Durango’s communities are located within city limits as residential pockets with designs honoring each location. Our custom home building and remodeling go beyond standard pop-up neighborhoods with matchstick construction. Instead, we focus on meeting each client’s unique desires and lifestyle by collaborating on the design and paying attention to every detail. If you need us to remodel an existing structure, our team maximizes your space potential to create your dream home. We can perform various levels of remodels, from simple refreshes to complete structural renovations. Our goal is to ensure we support your vision and lifestyle in a home that fits your style and budget.

Integrity Driven Custom Home Builders at Agave Durango

With Agave Durango, you don’t have to sacrifice your ideal residential vision to fit a contractor’s unimaginative design. We want you to move into a home that supports your daily life and aesthetic style in a community of neighbors with similar building and design needs. Let us create a haven for you and your family to thrive and enjoy life.

Our Featured Projects

Each custom home that Agave designs and builds reflects decades of experience and knowledge. We infuse each project with style, craft and creativity suited to the needs of our clients. A hallmark of our work is a design that fits the landscape, as well as the personalities and lifestyle of the homeowners.

Our 5-Step Process

Agave’s 5 phases of custom home building. Understanding the entire process prepares you for the journey.

Agave Durango

564 E 2nd Ave #101, Durango, CO 81301

(970) 403-5797

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM